Tag Archives: Secaucus

Answering a Raven Question

Julie McCall wrote in last week to ask if any previous Common Raven nests at Laurel Hill had been successful, and the answer is yes.

Last year, for example, two young ravens successfully left the nest  in early May– though they still received food from Mom and Dad. (Photo is above, a couple of links are here and here.  (Thanks for asking!)

Anderson Creek Marsh, Secaucus

IMG_1525-1   We visited Anderson Creek Marsh recently and found some exceptional birding.IMG_1438

   We saw hundreds of peeps, a few Caspian Terns, several Yellow-crowned night herons, plus Snowy and Great Egrets and yellowlegs.

  We also saw a Northern Harrier have a run-in with several terns — all in all, a good day to be on the marsh.

   The marsh is located on the Hackensack River just south of Harmon Cove in Secaucus.

   For more information on Anderson Creek Marsh, click here.

  For more photos, click "Continue reading…"

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SECAUCUS: Mill Creek Marsh birds

     Birders Don Torino and Dick Engsberg did some birding along the Mill Creek Marsh Trail in Secaucus Monday morning.
 They report they saw "a nice peregrine falcon, semipalmated plover, greater yellow legs, forsters terns, least and semipalmated sandpipers, snowy and great egrets and a good number of monarch butterflies."