Saw this guy last week in Harrier Meadow in North Arlington.
It was about the size of a bumble bee.
Can anyone help with an ID?
Monthly Archives: September 2008
BUTTERFLIES: A new one for DeKorte guide
DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst is a great place to go butterflying — to the point where the North American Butterfly Association even has a nifty little on-line guide about it, listing what butterflies you might see and what times of years you might see them.
You can access it here.
The butterfly above is a Great Spangled Fritillary, recently photographed at DeKorte’s Butterfly Garden and even more recently added to the guide.
NJMC naturalist Michael Newhouse saw this bird and its buddy on transmission towers near the Carillon on Disposal Road in North Arlington, and gave us a call.
In previous years a pair of ravens has nested on Laurel Hill in Secaucus. More on ravens here.
Starting next Monday (Sept.8), the William D. McDowell Observatory in DeKorte Park, Lyndhurst,
The viewings are free.
The observatory will be open for two hours each night, with 8 and 9 p.m. viewing sessions.
Click “Continue reading…” below for more info.
FLYWAY GALLERY: New show opening
The New Jersey Meadowlands Commission is hosting its annual Staff Art Exhibit now through Oct. 2 at the Flyway Gallery in the Meadowlands Environment Center.
This year’s show includes traditional and abstract landscape portraits and colorful photos of flowers, dragonflies and other plant and animal life captured throughout the Meadowlands District. (The above portrait is by the NJMC’s Lisa Cameron.)
Click "Continue reading …" for more information and larger images of many of the works on view.
Harrier Meadow in North Arlington is a 70-acre wetlands mitigation site restored by the NJ Meadowlands Commission.
Once a year, for the Meadowlands Festival of Birding (Sept. 13 and 14), the site is open to the public.
Here’s a sneak preview, with an interview with NJMC naturalist Michael Newhouse.
Click here for a previous post on Harrier Meadow, with information on plans for guided tours that you can sign up for.
Welcome to Tuesday Teaser, a new weekly feature of As part of a continuing study, Meadowlands Commission naturalists take close-ups of dozens of birds.
We thought we’d challenge your birding skills by trying to identify these birds by their head shots.
We’ll post a different photo each Tuesday, and you can click "Continue reading …" immediately below for the answer and a link for more information on the species.
Which brings us to two questions. Who is this guy? And what do you think of the Tuesday Teaser?
(A thank you to NJMC naturalist Michael Newhouse for the idea.)