Monthly Archives: March 2010

Tuesday Teaser 033010 (Updated)


   We shot this photo late one rainy day last week of a distant duck. We were thinking it was a Blue-winged Teal, but a sharp-eyed reader suggested a female Greater Scaup. (Sounds good to us; thanks, Rosemarie.) Any other theories?
   Other Tuesday Teasers are here. As we get into bird-banding season, we'll try to ramp up this feature again.

A Profile of Disposal Road

We recently wrote a column for The South Bergenite about one of our favorite birding spots, Disposal Road, which was until recently (as far as we know) the three-month home base for a Northern Shrike. Here's the column:
   Where is the best birding spot in all of the Meadowlands?
   For most people, several spots managed by the Meadowlands Commission come to mind – from Mill Creek Marsh in Secaucus to DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst to the Kearny Marsh.
   But for the past few months, a little-known two-lane road named Disposal Road just might hold the crown.

Continue reading

Bird Report: DeKorte 032710

   Rob Fanning reports he saw the following today at DeKorte Park:
   -Boat-tailed Grackle–male continues–seen/hear in 2nd parking lot of HMDC.
   -Common Raven–soaring left of walkway overlook. My first for DeKorte
   -Greater Yellowlegs–8+ in flight–my first of the year
    -American Kestrel–2 males along Disposal Rd–my first of year
    -Ring-necked Pheasant–heard only–Disposal Rd.
    -Northern Harrier–3
    -Common Goldeneye–female–in w/ flock of 55 Bufflehead
    -Canvasback–1 lone drake lingering
    -Ring-necked Duck (pair)
   Pintails, Shovelers, GW Teal, Gadwall; Redtail, Killdeer, Tree Swallows
    (Thanks, Rob!)

Boat-tailed Grackle, Kestrel @ DeKorte


    A brief walk after lunch yielded no Bald Eagles, but we did IMG_2524-1 get a Boat-tailed Grackle by the Administration Building, and an American Kestrel on the DeKorte Park Osprey Platform.
  The Grackle was making an incredible racket — heard it from 50 yards away.
  A full complement of ducks is still hanging out in the impoundments.