Monthly Archives: January 2011

Teaser Answer — TBA

We are still trying to determine what kind of goose this is — leaning toward the hybrid theory put forth by several commenters on the blog.

The following link provided by Michael DeCorte was very helpful: click here.

Thanks to all who offered suggestions.



Mill Creek Marsh: 012411

We went to Mill Creek Marsh to see if we could find a Eurasian (Common) Green-winged Teal see hanging out with American Green-winged Teal by the second bridge as you walk counter-clockwise.

We wished we had brought our cross-country skis — would have beat trudging through the snow. We saw the odd goose featured as today's Tuesday Teaser, plus Ruddies, Hooded Mergs (below), Sharpie and Red-tail. We did not see any Green-winged Teal but will try again later this week.

Mill Creek is beautiful in winter — as it is the rest of the year.


New Tree Swallow Boxes: Sign of Spring

NJMC naturalist Gabrielle Bennett-Meany put up four new Tree Swallow boxes along the base of the  boardwalk to the Visitor Center earlier this month.IMG_8661-1

At left, what the inside of an old Tree Swallow box looks like. (Tree Swallows love to line their nests with white feathers.)

We also put up a "Cliff Swallow Hollow" (below) by the Marshview Pavilion, but we are thinking it needs to be better protected from the elements.

Last summer, we saw Cliff Swallows bringing mud to the underside of the Visitor Center but we saw no sign of any completed nests.IMG_8658