NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse banded this beauty last Tuesday at Harrier Meadow and devilishly suggested it for the next Tuesday Teaser.
He also suggested we include a big hint, which follows. If you get this one, you are pretty danged awesome. Answer tomorrow.
Wow, that is indeed devilish! Think I’ll just have to agree with whatever the results of the poll.
Rick, I agree with you. This is far too tricky, and has put me in a black mood.
Try to keep those emotions at bay!
I’m sorry, Jim. Was I being immature? What a sad tale.
Waaaaaaaaaaitaminute….”poll”….”black”…”immature”…..HMM……………………Is it……….a Canary?!
Using Sibley’s section on IDing fall warblers, I think it is a Bay-breasted warbler.