Monthly Archives: August 2012

DeKorte Park Shorebird Pool Update 082212

Note to birders and photographers:
The water levels for Shorebird Pool are lowered again, and there is mud along the shorelines again.

As of 4 p.m. Wednesday, one Least Bittern was seen just as you enter the Marsh Discovery Trail, toward the back of that first outcropping on the left, by some dead Phrag stalks (see photo above).

They may be starting to disperse, as one was seen this morning on the other end of the Marsh Discovery Trail. There have also been plenty of American Kestrels and Peregrines on Disposal Road — and Common Ravens in that vicinity as well.

Will be posting more photos and sightings as time allows.

Amazing Free Guided Walk: Sunday, Sept. 2

Start the fall birding season with a free, NFL-themed “Back to Football” Nature Walk at DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst on Sunday, Sept. 2, at 10 a.m.

BTF_stacked_rgbThe guided, 90-minute walk, sponsored by the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC) and the Bergen County Audubon Society, has a special National Football League theme – and nifty prizes.

To celebrate the opening game of the 2012 season between the Dallas Cowboys and Super Bowl Champion Giants at nearby MetLife Stadium on Wednesday, Sept. 5, the NFL is offering a prize to the first person on the walk to see any bird species with the same name as a pro-football team: Cardinal, Raven, Falcon, Eagle, Seahawk (osprey), Giant (great) egret  (above) and Giant (great) blue heron.  

All seven team bird species can be seen in DeKorte Park, the home of the NJMC. 

The walk meets inside the one-square mile park’s Meadowlands Environment Center. Super Bowl XLVIII will be played at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford in February 2014.

You will have to sign a standard liability release that is good for NJMC/BCAS events throughout the year. To rsvp, contact Don Torino of the BCAS at or 201-230-4983. The Meadowlands Environment Center’s phone number is 201-777-2431.   

Osprey Pestered by Falcon near Kane Natural Area









Sometimes photos are just for information… Took these distant shots near the Bloomberg Radio transmission towers in Carlstadt last Thursday.

An Osprey that recently nested on the towers left with a fish as we pulled into the parking lot there.

Soon after, as it headed toward the Rochard P. Kane Natural Area, it was chased by a falcon — Peregrine or Merlin? — until it left the area.

The following day, American Kestrels were chasing Peregrines by Disposal Road in Lyndhurst. It's an aerial jungle out there.

Wow What a Walk!

Our Third Tuesday of the Month Walk at Harrier Meadow and DeKorte Park drew more than 60 birders and some great looks at some great birds.

Highlights included the Tricolored Heron, a Little Blue Heron and 3 — count 'em, 3 — Least Bitterns. Plus a bazillion Painted Ladies.

Later in the week, we will post a full list of species seen.

Peregrine Pestered by Kestrel on Disposal Road

1-IMG_9776We were driving down Disposal Road on Friday afternoon, minding our own business, when in the distance we saw a Peregrine Falcon flying over the old Kingsland Landfill.

As you may know, that's a big hangout for American Kestrels these days.

Apparently big falcons and little falcons do not get along, because the kestrel zoomed after the peregrine repeatedly until the larger bird flew off.

At least twice, the Peregrine flew upside-down in some sort of "Top Gun" maneuver.

We thought it was a great early preview of what we kind of raptor action might see on Disposal Road this fall and winter.

Tricolored Still Here

1-least bitternDennis Cheeseman photographed the Tricolored Heron Tuesday morning along the Transco Trail, sitting on the railing near where the Forster's Terns hang out.

By our count, the Tricolored has been here 12 days in a row now.

The heron  was young when he got here; he has been here so long that he is now old enough to drive.

Scroll down for ploenty more Tricolored Heron shots and other birds hanging out at DeKorte these days.  (Thanks, Dennis!)


DeKorte Park Butterfly Report

1-August 19_Butterfly Common BuckeyeSM_RTGeoghanj_0988
Regina Geoghan writes: "Lots of butterflies early Sunday morning.  Finally got the Common Buckeye (above)  – been hoping to see him the past few days." (Thanks, Regina)

Regina's Painted Lady photo is below.  Plenty more butterflies and a Hunmmingbird Clear-winged Moth in the Butterfly Garden on Monday.

1-August 19_Butterfly Painted LadySM_RTGeoghan_0959