NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse reports:
"Didn't see the Tricolored Heron yet today but I did get a Least Bittern and White-rumped Sandpiper. Bittern was out near the corner of the Transco and Marsh Discovery Trails and the WRSA was in the front pool near the guard shack."
Mike's full report follows. (Thanks, Mike!)
The water levels in the impoundment at Dekorte Park have been lowered for the shorebird migration.
The results so far have not been disappointing. An early lunch time walk provide great looks of the following:
Great Egret-25
Snowy Egret-10
Least Bittern-1
Great Blue Heron-3
Forester's Tern-17
Least Tern-2
Semi-palmated Sandpiper-1000+
Least Sandpiper-4
White-rumped Sandpiper-1
Spotted Sandpiper-2
Short-billed Dowitcher-25+
Greater Yellowlegs-45
Lesser Yellowlegs-20
More people should try to get out here in the next couple of weeks. With more eyes (binoculars) here, who knows what might be found.