Because of Hurricane Sandy, the Ridgefield Environmental Commission didn't get the credit it deserved for winning a Green Community Achievement Award from the New Jersey Forest Service.
The commission received the awrad not only for tree planting, tree diversity and tree maintenance, but also for its monitoring of the local (and beloved) Monk Parakeet colony and for the wonderful Ridgefield Nature Center, where Bergen County Audubon Society and the Meadwolands Commission hold our annual Mother's Day walk.
The plaque will be unveiled on Feb. 27 at the Ridgefield Public Library, following a free slide show and talk on "The Nature of the Meadowlands" by the NJMC's Jim Wright.
Congratulations to Ridgefield for this award.
Congrats. A lot of hard work by Karen and Bruce Riede I am sure.
Ditto…Congrats Karen and Bruce! Hard workers!
Great Job, you guys are the best !
Congrats ! It’s always been a pleasure helping out with the cleanups you organize.
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