Kumar Patel was on Disposal Road yesterday morning to see if the Bald Eagle was still hanging around — it was. But it soon flew toward the south.
We met up with Kumar and found two — count 'em, two — Bald Eagles perched on a tree on the 1-E landfill. Fortunately, Kumar had his Hubble Telephoto lens, and he got some great (if distant) shots. The above shot, for instance, is above 1-E, not Kingsland. (Thanks, Kumar!)
Note: If you see a nearby perched eagle on Disposal Road (or elsewhere), do not get out of your vehicle to look at it or photograph it.
It will more than likely fly away, and others may not get a look or photo they otherwise may have gotten.
Below: The two eagles in flight. More of Kumar's eagle photos follow. 
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