Daily Archives: February 16, 2013

Bird Report: Pipits, Horned Larks@Laurel Hill, by Ray Duffy

Ray Duffy reports:

I was at Laurel Hill late Thursday afternoon.  I had 2 American pipits and about 10 horned larks behind the Xchange.  The birds were working the field where the new construction is taking place (basically if you were on that Cul De Sac road that heads towards the dirt mounds, if you looked towards the Train Station, the birds were feeding in the exposed lawn.

The ravens were still present.  I listened for woodcocks (I had them 2/17 last year), but didn't hear anything.  Probably too cold and with the snow, it maybe too early.

Thanks, Ray. Sorry for the lag time in posting.

Friday’s Mill Creek Marsh Walk: The Full List

We had a great turnout, great birds, and great weather for our annual Great Backyard Bird Count walk — this year at Mill Creek Marsh.

Highlights included a Sharpie, a Coop, and lots of Shovelers and Green-winged Teal. Ring-billed gulls and Canada Geese vied for most populous and least popular. (Thanks to all who participated, especially our count keepers Justin and Asia!)

Full list follows.

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