Daily Archives: December 20, 2014

DeKorte Park Godwit

DSCN0769(1)-001Richard Brown writes:

Today at about 3:30 PM, I saw a Godwit in the East Shorebird Pool.  I saw a buffy-colored bird being chased by some gulls, and it landed across the water.  Photo attached.

I recalled the posting from last month, so I figured I would to let you know.
(Thanks, Rich!)



2014 in Review: February

020414 V Sunset 013f RchrdDKorte Park Mdwlnds NJ Winter 020414 OK FLICKR-001We thought we’d look back at some of blog highlights from 2014, month by month, and showcase some of the great photography that folks have contributed. (Thanks to all!)

Just click on the text to link to the post.

Feb. 7: Now that’s a Sunset   (Photo above, by M.E. Raine)

Feb. 21: Treasure Trove of Meadowlands Maps

Feb. 21: DeKorte Snow Scenes

Feb. 27: Banded Northern Harrier

Feb. 27: More DeKorte Snowy Owl Pix

Feb. 28: Ravens in Carlstadt