Monthly Archives: December 2014

How to Search this Blog

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Trying to find something on the blog — an upcoming walk, a certain photographer’s photos, posts on Muskrats, sightings of a favorite raptor?

Don’t forget that you can search 5 years of blog posts by using the Google search engine in the upper-right part of the blog. Let the searches begin.

2014 in Review: April


We thought we’d look back at some of blog highlights from 2014, month by month, and showcase some of the great photography that folks have contributed. (Thanks to all!)

Just click on the text to link to the post.

April 1: Rare Yellow-footed Blackbird

April 1: Marsh Memories by Quincy Magoo

April 8: American Kestrel w/ Unusual Prey

April  11: Osprey w/ fish, Disposal Road

April 21: Yellow-throated Warbler  (above)

April 23: Meet the Midges!

April 24: We’re one of’s Magnificent Seven

April 30: Tree Swallows’ Snazzy New Home

2014 in Review: March

Red-tail vs possum

We thought we’d look back at some of blog highlights from 2014, month by month, and showcase some of the great photography that folks have contributed. (Thanks to all!)

Just click on the text to link to the post.

March 6: Red-tail Vs. Opossum on Disposal Road  (above)

March 12: The Killdeer Are Back

March 24: Alice the Eagle Update

March 25: Tiniest Turtle Debate

March 26: American Woodcock @ DeKorte

March 28: Yellow-headed Blackbird @ DeKorte

March 31: Ospreys on Nest.

DeKorte Park Godwit

DSCN0769(1)-001Richard Brown writes:

Today at about 3:30 PM, I saw a Godwit in the East Shorebird Pool.  I saw a buffy-colored bird being chased by some gulls, and it landed across the water.  Photo attached.

I recalled the posting from last month, so I figured I would to let you know.
(Thanks, Rich!)



2014 in Review: February

020414 V Sunset 013f RchrdDKorte Park Mdwlnds NJ Winter 020414 OK FLICKR-001We thought we’d look back at some of blog highlights from 2014, month by month, and showcase some of the great photography that folks have contributed. (Thanks to all!)

Just click on the text to link to the post.

Feb. 7: Now that’s a Sunset   (Photo above, by M.E. Raine)

Feb. 21: Treasure Trove of Meadowlands Maps

Feb. 21: DeKorte Snow Scenes

Feb. 27: Banded Northern Harrier

Feb. 27: More DeKorte Snowy Owl Pix

Feb. 28: Ravens in Carlstadt

Sunset Mike’s Meadowlands Videos: Part Four

(Please play with sound on.)

Mike Maddaloni writes:

Someone commented that they never saw my Time Lapse footage from Winter 2013, and I pondered on that, because I produced it last year, uploaded it, but “forgot to tell people about it”?

In a way that does sound like me, but just in case, that’s a really interesting video that I’d be honored to share on the blog as well. In some ways it’s even better than my more recent posted videos because,  in my humble opinion, it was from a time I wasn’t trying all these fancy things with the time lapses and equipment, just the basic capturing of great skies and sunsets.

I think this makes the video more impactful. The viewer is just concentrating on the majesty of the sunsets around the park (and is not distracted by other things like camera motions).

Some shots are from Ringwood, but 90 percent are all DeKorte and Disposal Road.

What’s Your Favorite Meadowlands Birding Spot?

We are testing our new polling software to see if it actually works, so please help out and vote for your favorite birding spot in the Meadowlands.

If you like Losen Slote Creek Park or River Barge Park for birding, please choose “other” and write them in!

Because this is a test, the results will not be binding, whatever that means.

2014 in Review: January

Dennis Rough-leggedhwk

Photo copyright 2014, Dennis Cheeseman

We thought we’d look back at some of blog highlights from 2014, starting with January, and showcase some of the great photography that folks have contributed. (Thanks to all!)

Just click on the text to link to the post.

January 1: American Eagle Airlines

January 9: Rough-legged Hawks @ Disposal Road  (above)

January 13: Marco Van Brabant’s DeKorte Deep Freeze Pix

January 15: Don Torino’s Column on Bald Eagles

January 20: Bird Vs. Fish: Part One

January 20: Bird Vs. Fish: Part Two

January 21: Posts of DeKorte Snowy Owl Pix

January  30: Lapland Longspur at Laurel Hill

January 31: Snowy Owl Pellet Up-close