DeKorte Park Trails Update

DSCN4177Repair work has begun on the storm-damaged Transco Trail. Construction will continue six days a week through early April.

All of the Transco Trail, the Saw Mill Creek Trail, and the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve are closed. Please: Keep off and keep out! More information follows.

In addition, many construction vehicles will be entering the Transco Trail from the Carillon Area.

If you are raptor-watching on Disposal Road, please park your vehicles far away from this entrance, and do not get in the way of work crews.

DeKorte Park itself is open weekdays, with the Kingsland Overlook Trail and the Shore Walk. (The Shorebird Pool, by the way, is frozen solid, so very little bird activity.) The park is closed on weekends, except for scheduled programming, until further notice.

Thank you for your patience!

Note: After the Transco work is done, construction crews will work on the trail from the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve out to the Saw Mill Creek Trail, and the Saw Mill Creek Trail from the Carillon to the "T" intersection with the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve Trail.  When that work is done this summer, folks will be able to a loop that includes part of Transco Trail, part of Saw Mill Creek Trail, and the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve Trail.

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