Ron Shields photographed this immature Bald Eagle on Monday as it flew over Disposal Road, the epicenter of Meadowlands birding these days.
The bird the perched on the ice in a nearby impoundment. (Thanks, Ron!)
On Wednesday, Chris Takacs saw an eagle perched on a distant snag in the Saw Mill Impoundment. (Last Sunday, walk participants saw an eagle over that impoundment, flushing a couple of Golden Eyes and other nervous waterfowl.
Put the picture Ron took of an immature Bald Eagle 12/24/09 next to the one he took this past Monday. I am wondering if they are the same immature Bald Eagle. Both are terrific shots!!
Here is the link to December Bald Eagle — hard to tell…
Jim W.
I was driving near Oradell, NJ today and saw two flying overhead. They are amazing.
The Ridgefield Park pair is very near our facility and occationally we see them. Wonderful!