We had a nice cool noon walk on DeKorte Park's Marsh Discovery Trail Thursday. Fourteen of us had great looks at Black-crowned Night Herons and Great Egrets during the hour-long walk.
Walk co-leader Denise Farrell of the Bergen County Audubon Society was generous with her birding knowledge and her spotting scope.
Thanks to two very well-behaved youngsters who joined us, we also saw Muskrats and Blue Crabs and a slithery but harmless Garter Snake.
Alas, no Least Bittern or Black Skimmers, but we did have a Saddlebags Dragonfly and a butterfly or time.
Nice group, nice time.
Our next guided walks on the Marsh Discovery Trail will be at 10 a.m. and noon on Tuesday.
Thank you for a fun and informative walk! The two well-behaved youngsters still talk about it!