More Disposal Road Raptor Action

We are beginning to think that we need to keep the "More Disposal Road Raptor Action" on a save/get key on the computer, because it looks like the raptors are beginning to hang out there again.

Roy Woodford, who passed along a couple of raptor shots from last weekend (link is here), was back on Monday photographing more action.

Here's a sampling (Northern Harrier above, and an immature Peregrine Falcon below.)   More follow. (Thanks, Roy!)





3 thoughts on “More Disposal Road Raptor Action

  1. Ray Duffy

    Anyone notice the blue stuff on the red-tailed hawk’s wing in pic three. I wonder if he got into something he wasn’t supposed to or if this is a case of him being marked. I’ve heard of terns and sometimes sandpipers being given some dye so they would stick out for migration tracking (This happened at brig, apparently someone marked a semipalmated plover a orange color which many people thought was a cruel joke making him sort of look like a mongolian plover.)


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