Monthly Archives: October 2011

More Disposal Road Raptor Action

We are beginning to think that we need to keep the "More Disposal Road Raptor Action" on a save/get key on the computer, because it looks like the raptors are beginning to hang out there again.

Roy Woodford, who passed along a couple of raptor shots from last weekend (link is here), was back on Monday photographing more action.

Here's a sampling (Northern Harrier above, and an immature Peregrine Falcon below.)   More follow. (Thanks, Roy!)


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Don Torino’s Post on NJMC Bird-banding

P1080957Don Torino, one of the leaders of our Meadowlands Commission/Bergen County Audubon walks, wrote a great blog post about the Meadowlands Commission's bird-banding project.

The post appeared on the blog this week.

Writes Don:  "Mike and his team have banded well over 2,500 Savannah Sparrows, which are listed as a threatened species here in New Jersey. 

"Mike said that was one of the most surprising things to him was not only how many Savannah Sparrows used the landfill for migration, but other hard to find birds, including the Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Gray Cheeked Thrush, and Acadian Flycatcher.  During one of our recent field trips to Harrier Meadow, Mike captured and banded a Yellow-breasted Chat and an American Kestrel.  They are amazing birds to see close up."

Link is here.


Documenting a King Tide: Part 1

In anticipation of next week's "King Tide," the highest tide of the year, we took a photo today for comparison — as part of a nationwide program.

Today's high tide at River Barge Park, at 1:28 p.m., was 5 feet, 10 inches. On the launch ramp, 27 treads were exposed.

The New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program writes: "As part of an effort across the country to raise awareness about sea level rise, the Harbor Estuary will be coordinating photo documentation of the King Tide.

"The King Tide is not caused by sea level rise, but gives us an idea of what average high tide levels are likely to be in 20-30 years."

We'll post a new photo from the same vantage point after next week's King Tide — plus this pic, for comparison.

Disposal Road Heating Up (Figuratively!)

Roy Woodford writes:

"Along Disposal Road on Sunday afternoon, with the light and wind at our backs, Ron Shields and I were treated to quite a show. 

"At least two American Kestrels, two Northern Harriers, and two Red-tailed Hawks made several passes over the next several hours.  You couldn't ask for a better day."  (Thanks, Roy!)
