Don Torino’s Latest Column

Don Torino, a leader on our Meadowlands Commission/Bergen County Audubon Society's regular walks, write a regular column for the blog.

His latest column is on how a love of nature keeps you young — and mentions the Meadowlands:

"Some of my fondest memories of old friends and family members (Some that DSCN0040have moved on or are no longer with me) always seem to drift back to times we spent as kids.

Summers when we stayed out from dawn till dusk in the Meadowlands, as long our parents had to send other kids out to look for us. …

"The memories are ones I think nature was kind enough to give to us.

"They are the memories that makes us smile when no one is looking, ones that remind us despite our age that the child that always loved nature it still in us, it has never left."

The link is here.

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