A pair of Wild Turkeys stopped by DeKorte Park on April 1 last year.
Bergen County Audubon Society president Don Torino’s latest column for wildnewjersey.tv is about his family’s tradition of a nature walk on Thanksgiving morning.
Here’s a sample:
My tradition of getting outdoors on Thanksgiving morning goes way back to my younger years when my brother and I would wander the woods and fields of the Meadowlands, taking in and enjoying all the wildlife that thrived around our urban wilderness home.
Thanksgiving morning was always a special time for my brother and I, it meant much more to us than having a big dinner and watching football.
Thanksgiving was a day we would look forward to weeks ahead of time, anticipating the birds we might see and the reminiscing of thanksgiving mornings gone by.
It was a special day we set aside each year to appreciate and give thanks to the natural places we had close to our home especially in and around the New Jersey Meadowlands.
The link is here.